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Rarity Transformation - Day 51

by RarityBestPony

Why hello there everypony. First of all I'd like to excuse myself for the long absence of writing journals, life's been pretty busy lately so I haven't had a lot of time to write journals. Well, on to the journal then. I hope you might be able to notice, but the transformation has been going splendid. Not a lot of physical changes, but in the mental aspect I've been making great progress if I may say so myself. So what I decided to do, is going to be doing some feminization with Master. I think I would benefit greatly from this, especially personalitywise. After thinking a lot about it, I've decided I'm (probably) going to become a girl as well (As in, real life, HRT etc) so I asked if Master if he would be fine with doing feminization, and he agreed, so that made me extremely happy of course. What I want to achieve with feminization is becoming a girl, not only in body but also in my mind. I don't really want to stay the way I am right now (except for being Rarity, as I wouldn't give that away for the world), I want to be female. The hypnosis into Rarity had helped me a lot, and I felt happy becoming a girl, but I want tot ake it a step further. I want my whole mind to become female. Well, that's it for today, I'll try to make more journals. I love you all, Rarity~


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