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santesyu's Recent Entries

What yet blooms?? the journey peaks

by santesyu

I feel.dazed and confused disoriented a thougt popped into my head was gonna fall aslseep listening to it. Jusr to see what happens after I listen to a couple of songs. should of went to the hospital but atleast I didnt piss myself,i.still have my pride even if I made my self look like a fool in front of potential good friends now I have become.that.guy u talk about at parties to make yourself look good. Why the hell shouldnt I.continue ive lost a great deal might as,well not let this be a wasted journey and be all for nothing apart half of me feels numb lets get.this over with. If I do not make another entry then my story here remains the ifs the whys and now. I feel no regret nothing really. Untill next time see you.


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