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izatga88's Recent Entries

Nothing New Hmm?

by izatga88

Was checking for any new files being added over the last month or so - nothing really caught my eye.

Nothings changed too much since the last post, though I am looking in to starting college classes again after the new year turns.

I was reading something I saw elsewhere about a person talking about how they'd experimented with audio hypnosis and was left super-susceptible to suggestion.....it made me think of posting here. It's been what, like two years now (?) since I started on here, and my triggers still turn me into a drooling mess. Literally all I've been dreaming about every night these past few weeks is sucking cocks - y'know, those kinds of vivid dreams where you feel EVERYTHING....


- mystic-wolf

Well i'ts been long but i'ts good to know you can have a bimbo life and still be able to contact with family and work so you won't get too less money other then paying bills, you need your sexy clothes and lingerie and all other things a good bimbo needs.

- StrippedGears

On the note of new files, the first four Dumbing Down files by Vive went free recently. Those could be a good bit of fun...

- izatga88

TY for the PMs/comments~

I just got done downloading all 6 (7) Dumbing Down files - they may actually be promising! I'm worried though....work has been going so smoothly & I'm excited to be ironing out these class details, but I just cant stop wanting to be mindless and on my back with my mouth full of dick.

- izatga88

Alright....everything loaded on my MP3 player. I'm posting again because of what just happened - in the process of getting everything working, I accidentally started the True You - Sex Obsessed Bimbo file i still have loaded. It was just a quick moment of it and must have started from the point where I last shut off my player, but I outright just blacked out hearing the voice talking on it.

I only came out of it when my head banged on my desk here & woke up drooling & horny. I'm shivering. XD

Hopefully the Dumbing Down stuff is just as potent.

- StrippedGears

Why worry about classes and work? It sounds like your getting-paid-for-sex thing has been fairly stable, so it's not like you'll be out of options if the Dumbing Down files hit hard... ;)

- izatga88

True, but it's certainly not enough to live off of. Besides, I've been missing a lot of the different social options that attending college makes available.

- PowerHoden

I find it great that you are starting back with college and such. You absolutely should do that. Because after all. You still havent found what you were initially looking for through the bimbofication. I remember in one of your first blogentries you saying you found a man who takes care of you. You want to be shown affection and feel love. But do you truly find that when your holes get stuffed by cock? I am in doubt.

- izatga88

Ya, definitely have not yet found anything I want to stick with, but I'm at least having some fun for now.

Not much going on again - was out for the entire weekend, had fun, been horny all day. I'll probably have most of the coming holidays off (I'm kinda lazy in that regard - NOBODY likes working holiday shoppers).

- blindman

Anything new

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