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lew897's Recent Entries

Physical Effects

by lew897

I would have to say that over the last month or so, all the physical effects have actually happened in the files that Ive been listening to. Which are a few but definitely awesome. They arent earth shattering improvements. But are note worthy since Ive never felt this way about my appearance in my life I dont think. Also whats shocking is that I didnt change any of my habits really. I suspose my actual expertise in hypnosis might be self hypnosis since Ive really enjoyed exploring my own beliefs as well as wondering whether there is more to what other people have come up. Which is pretty awesome. Of course there is only more to come.


- sissyandria

I don't get it what "Physical Effects" have you found????

- lew897

Sorry, for the late reply I honestly didn't know that you replied. I have to say that I don't remember at all, my guess is that it was the penis growth and ass growth files. As well as some breast growth. I really have twin lives as a girlie girl and a guy.

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