wohermiston's Recent EntriesFirst Lucid Pee Dreamby wohermistonWhile I have had these before over the years, they usually involve trying to find a working bathroom and I am usually in one of my old grade school buildings. This one was different. This one opens and I am in a hosptal like setting wearing a gown. I am with a doctor and we are discussing removing something round from me. Not sure what that is supposed to represent. He takes a device and says this will numb your bladder to get started. He promises it will not hurt. and touches it to my abdomen. Everything goes numb and within seconds, I am wetting myself totally. Then, I woke up. It has elements of the first Ladon Erickson file I did. but I have not listened to that in some time, using the Hot water bottle game #2 lately. It was very exciting all the same. I thought it a good idea to record it before I forgot about it. Can't wait till tommorrow.