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lew897's Recent Entries


by lew897

I feel like Ive hit this high in trance and can sorta take it where I want. Now, I sorta feel like I have to take care of myself. As in, just keep going with it all. I do like everything as it has been, but at a few times it does feel like work. Before when it all wasn't working I still had fun. But now its like everything is just to keep status quo. I suspose the only file that hasn't worked consistently or better than expected is the 18-45 women file. I think Ive been listening to it consistently for a month. But have been on and off listening to it for a year. I suspose in a way, I developed this skill and it can easily go away. I also, just want to pass out while doing trance. Has only happened once and while I was extremely tired.


- lew897

Had a great dream last night. Definitely a lot longer than normal. It felt like I was aware and that it took hours. Very weird and strange. Im not going to go into details since it was very sexual. Like the most sexual dream Im ever had. As well as the most lucid, and aware. I can also remember it very clearly. I am very hopeful that listening to one subliminal file all day has improved my trance. Usually, I would listen to random amounts. Also, I sorta feel like Im made a completely awesome trance remix that fits me perfectly and took me down the most that Ive ever been. As well as been most fluid. I used all my knowledge that I gained and all of my preferences as well as a general good vibe.

- lew897

I also have to say that as things go along, Im starting to feel easier about everything. I used to think that I had a limit I suspose of what I could listen to. Because of this, I just listen to about an hour a day of trances, and an hour of subliminals. Which isn't all that bad, but lately Ive been noticing that I don't notice how much time has passed. Or Ill listen to a few short ones earlier in the day, and still listen to my routine of an hour later in the evening. Ive also noticed, that my photographic memory works better while under trance or during the ez mem remix than while conscious. Mainly, the one file that I want to work is the 18-45 women file, which still doesn't work as effective as I would like. Maybe, it just doesn't. Or it has reached a limit of some sort. But I have never listened to one subliminal all day, usually its been mixed about. So, Im hopeing that since I am now only listening to one, that it will take effect. Ive heard from a little bird that listening to multiple files will negate the effects. So, Im going to continue my subliminal file listening as if Im just a beginner and will hopefully expect better results in the coming months.

- lew897

I made a huge break through on my trance or hypnotizeing self. Because it used to be just waiting there and allowing the file to trance me by the repititions of relax in the file. But lately Ive been telling myself that Im a professional layer and relaxer which helps a ton. Then this got me thinking about how much deeper I can still go, when reading other peoples experiences. And I just started focusing on parts of my body, in particular my right arm. Then I thought I know of the feeling of it just going to sleep. Or when your leg goes to sleep for being there too long and you cant walk. So I just continued this feeling all over my body. After awhile it felt like being a sleep. I couldn't do anything. Also woke up like I took a nap. lol. It preety cool.

- lew897

I am pretty excited about this since it feels like a freaking nap. And like I really cant move or do anything. Like my body is for all purpose and useage, asleep. Its more than I expected. I m not sure if this is deep sleep or rem but it feels good as heck. Its also made all of my other file triggers more pronounced and hard to ignore. I wont go into detail but I can feel them like they are right under neath my skin. lol.

- lew897

Ive been noticing lately that all of the post hypnotic effects are getting harder to shake off than usual. Probably because of the post hypnotic suggestible that Ive been using! Its pretty cool. Ive also been using sleep well sorta to help with tranceing since I sorta set up a trigger to go into trance from this file. Kinda. Also, my trances seem to become better. As well as trances in general. I almost complete everything that the file says. Its almost like at times where I just feel like I am going with the motion or flow of life, and Im not really here. Or in a notther rr term, sorta living vicariously through my own life. I have become my own envyious envy. From the ezmem file my memory has improved quite well and its like Im going through mental surges of energy and must do something about them, almost like Im compelled to move forward with my life. Although, my question is what exactly is a life well spent? Ive been haunted with this question since puberty. Ive looked at human nature from all sources and it seems culture is an indicator of happiness. Looking back on my life, my cultural background is jumbled all together which may mean why Ive had such a hard time dealing with my own happiness.

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