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izatga88's Recent Entries

The One Where the Car Exploded

by izatga88

I've been having fun as of late following Bimbo Candy & Realistic Bimbo's progress (and recent implants) over on Tumblr.

Things here have taken a slightly nasty turn in that just about everything I posses that requires either an electrical outlet or a motor has broken down & needs worked on. Seriously, I had to drop a few months pay to replace everything.

Otherwise, there sadly has not been anything worth noting.....though as much talk as there is of "edging" on some of those Tumblr blogs.....I'm getting pretty tempted to have a run at it myself.


- izatga88

Might as well poke around and see if any new interesting files popped up recently~ I REALLY hate it when files don't use high-quality computer voices.

- izatga88

Figured I'd post this public since it was asked how my BFF was doing in a PM:

I actually haven't heard from her for the last week or two - I should probably check up on her tonight. She was also doing more of the same - really locked into the bimbo thing, officially has a boyfriend, etc. The thing I use to chat with her while she's working died on me a while ago, so I don't get updates from her as frequently unless I can catch her near her phone at night.

- PowerHoden

I am still disappointed that you said you are on the search for one man and now you are just fucking around for sexual gratification. I thought it was important to you to find that one man (which you said in your early blog entries) and to build a strong bond to him, but apparently things change when your sexual desire is starting to control your thoughts.

- izatga88

Funny you mention that - I literally just woke up this morning chanting "mindless bimbo" in my sleep for some reason. The trance is broken right now, but I can tell that my thought's are still slow and my mind is really empty. Awesome dreams too....

- izatga88

Too hot ~not~ to share (replace the "xx" with a pair of "t"s):


Hmm....my personal record is something like 7 or 8....? It actually may be higher, but 7/8 is what I'm conscious of. You totally know you've done good when you lose control of your hips/legs~

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