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lew897's Recent Entries

Specific Files

by lew897

Previously... Looking into my personal folder of files you can see a handful of hypno that deals with all sorts of stuff. One of feminization and the other for various files. After listening for large amounts of time to all of them. Ive been considering to just start listening to file over the next few weeks. Just so that I wont have to worry about what to listen to next. Basically, I listen to a subliminal file and debate myself on the merits of this file over that one. Then I make my decision. I dont know what has the most control because at times it feels like a swirl of ideas. I do have my own ideas about what makes a good file but at the same time I do like the idea of artistic creativity being untouched by others. Like I would never criticize any of the classics. But I have been seeing a lot of stuff about hypnosis, as well as tv ideas and they are both endless. My guess is, there isn't something that very reliable to get people to become truly hypnotizable judgeing by the amount of people who claim that even after a variable amount of time its still hard to tell whether or not they are in trance at all. Or that it hasn't been told quite properly. I admit this is also true of myself. I feel like Ive grown quite a bit but then I seek the knowledge and Ive been doing it slightly wrong. At the same time, I like to think that my haard work hasn't gone for waste. For example, the 18-45 women file. It now works pretty well. I can pretty much get looks from any woman, pretty amazing. What I was doing wrong was in bunchs. I had to constantly research the source of my information often coming up short but in the end it was worth it since it helped me to succed in the end. Id also like to add that all of the files that Ive listened to have worked in their own way.


- lew897

Lately, Ive been using the Ezmem Remix file on loop while I sorta just go into trance and enjoy the feelings of trance. I do feel like its been working as at times Ill just remember random stuff I haven't thought about in ages. As well as words and writing on pages while in trance. What I learned just recently is that there is an actual stress hormone in the body. So, to lower that I just would lay down and stop my body from doing anything. This I think has worked wonders. Making everything else extremely easy. Sorta from a guru Zensin Young. In his manual you don't fight anything but you just be there. There is a ton of nice stuff from him, but the main one I used was sorta fitted to make my bodys stress hormones do their thing and stop producing by stopping my body from doing anything. Worked wonders!

- lew897

Lately, Ive been looking at things that seem to be working for myself. Im not all that awesome at tranceing while out of trance, I guess some exceptions are made like everything. If that makes sense. Like halucinations and having files work easy. But I lately have just been wanting to continue talking about how strange trance really is. I mean, now adays its like the file that Im listening to has phrases that used to not work or make all that big of an impact on me. But its clear that these phrases make huge if not completely clear changes. Lately, while going into trance, its been feeling like Im dreaming because its all so real. And the benefit of these trances has left me feeling good the rest of the day. Also, it doesn't feel like I don't get any bad sleep, no matter how long or short I slept. Its also had a side effect of making me realize that I do have a life to live. When I come out its like whats going on?

- lew897

So, Ive been getting alot better at trance. I know I keep saying that in these comments, but theres really no way to explain it all that well. I think trance just makes my day better. Im not as sore, or cranky as i used to be. Theres also a sorta backdoor assurance that just in a moments notice I can be back in trance doing my own thing. I would have to suspose that I still want to improve quite a bit since Im still getting used to this whole thing. At times it does feel like Im somewhere else. The files do and can change my personality. Also, I havent completely told of all the physical effects because I feel like Im sorta half way to completely them all. I sorta realized that its permanent for some parts but others I need constant re listening and experienceing the effects. I also, try different techniques when ever I can. Im still very interested in everything that there is about the mind. Im still wondering exactly what is going to happen to me. Im not too sure since I can feel all the changes happen and experience them so it gives me a little hope that they will become permanent.

- lew897

So, Ive been listening to the files consistently and have been enjoying some relief from the files and taking into account that I can do things better and Ive become to realize that the ezmem file is starting to become easier to use and make aware of my own memories and its not completely fully to the extent that I can conjure up any memory that I want but at the same time I can easily remember things that I haven't thought about in years or perhaps had forgotten and its better and better and to an extent I am starting to feel like that I am beginning to understand and expect certain outcomes from certain files that Ive been using and should it ever come to it I hope that I master them all.

- hunt4it

Sometime I too would like to just have a files sent to me to listen too and see what effects it would have. Not knowing what the file was supposed to do. Kind of a blind date effect. so far.. most files seem to only have minimal effects. but when one knows what file you are listening to, the listener almost feels compelled to obey any commands in the file, regardless.

- lew897

Sorry hunt didn't know you replied. That would be something that would be interesting but at this point in my hpnotict life, I really don't want to waste my time. I really want to make my time worth while since I feel like Im making huge leaps by doing some things consistently and asking where I should be spending time.

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