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izatga88's Recent Entries

One of ~Those~ Mornings

by izatga88

I'm having one of those odd & infrequent mornings today - I've been drifting around in a bimbo fog for at least the last week straight, but for some reason I awoke this morning and EVERYTHING about it is just kind of getting me sick in the stomach.

Audio files, blogs, etc.... it's all triggering my gag reflex for some reason. "Eew, that's disgusting! I'd rather have a real relationship". I've got no idea as to why this happens every-so-often, but it's also a little hard to work with when I'm more or less a nymphomaniac bimbo myself.

Since I've got a enough clarity to think and such right now, how about some updates:

So far as meee~, money's been a nightmare as of late (I think I mentioned previously that a bunch of stuff around the house had to be replaced) - the holidays aren't helping that. I haven't had the room yet to spend for anything drastic, but I'm still planning. It'll happen ~e.v.e.n.t.u.a.l.l.y.~

Been noticing too.....I've been getting increasingly more "bratty" over the last month. I usually have to stop and say "Oh right, I'm probably being a pain in the ass". No idea what's causing it. The whole pouting & whining thing is happening more and more on reflex & I'm having insane amounts of trouble identifying when I'm doing it and stopping. In short, my family is getting somewhat sick of me being like that. :(

Lastly, my BFF actually seems to have had a "pregnancy scare" (hmm....). She's been with her guy for a while now & wound up missing her period - which prompted her to immediately flip out and get a pregnancy test. Apparently she'd never used one before and she wound up breaking it somehow....? (Her words) I argue that it was a Grade A Blonde Moment (tm).

Ultimately, she had to go an entire day at work without knowing what the hell was going on. Her period resumed as usual early the next morning, which she says was a massive relief (fluke of nature I guess). She was a mess for something close to 24 hours though.

Aaaaand that's about it. I'm slooooowly waiting for Vive's dumbing down stuff to filter in to free-land so I can comb them over. I still need to funnel them over to my BFF, but I'm just taking forever combing through them to make sure they're 100% Bimbo-Approved (also tm). :P


- Big_Mamba

I know an experienced hypnotesse who could maybe lead you..she has transformed former dommes and subs into bimbos and whores...

- 14u

You don't need to actually wait for ViVe's files to drop out of premium-only. They're all available here without any restrictions: http://www.vivehypnosis.de/

- Endo

Hmm. Perhaps your personality change is do to a subconscious stereotype of the "bimbo"? Or perhaps a sense of entitlement based on your concept of a "sugar-daddy"? Perhaps re-examining the type of personality you wish to achieve is in order. Once you've done that, find a way to reinforce that concept of yourself, either through a personality file, or a self-nosis technique.

- Sorez

vive files r on vive's website for free! look on vive dumb thread for them :D

- izatga88

Awesome! I did not know that & I'll comb through those once I'm finished checking 1 though 6 out.

I had a lovely night out & just got in a short bit ago. Am feeling back to normal again too~

- mutatedbunnyboy

Hmm, normal for you now I take is being a ditzy cum-craving bimbo? It's interesting to see your resilience and submission in the one post. Do you think you'll continue the back and forth or eventually cave into your lusts completely?

- PowerHoden

Of couse you want a real relationship. Thats what you told from the start and thats what you want. You dont want anything else. You want to have a real relationship with one person who loves you. Who shows you affection, passion and love. You want to be his only girl. You want it to be only you and him. You want him to lead you on, to teach you. You want him to help and support you through hardships. You want to feel safe and protected. You want to be able to let go and only be yourself. You want to give yourself in and be fully understand. You just want to be loved. You want to be loved more than anything. And despite all your conditioning this realisation comes to you again and again.

- izatga88

True story:

Friend: "Why are you so passive?"

Me: *zones out* "Because I was programmed that way..."

Me: "....wait....WHAT?"

- Big_Mamba

and you still wonder ;)

- zapnosis

"Because I was programmed that way..." That's beautiful! Glad you're doing well Iz, gremlins notwithstanding!

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