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lew897's Recent Entries

File Creation

by lew897

It wasn't as hard as I thought that it would be to create files that affect dating women, or approaching women. I sorta always wanted to do this I guess, but now that I am it feels like Im on a cloud. Even though, I haven't really done much just uploaded three files about getting women. I sorta think that it would ve been fun to create more, but at the same time I really don't know what to write about. I said that I would write one a day and I want to try and do that since it has been fun so far. Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated and helped. I sorta feel like Ive hit a brick wall in how to continue this but I do think that its easy to do once getting rid of the distractions and just going with what my mind gives me. So, far Ive enjoyed all three that Ive written and listened to so far. maybe because its about what I think should be in a person.


- lew897

Been having fun just writing a lot and using the ones that I make. Its definitely been interesting since I have always had tons of ideas. Now that I am making them, its strange that its so easy to do. Maybe, im not the best at everything that Ive done so far, but I really don't care all that much since its so much fun. The weird part is that all my files are on the front page of new premium.

- lew897

Been away for a while since making files in the last year. Recently, Ive been extremely interested in subliminals and isochronic tones. Pretty amazing stuff. Ive made a few personal files that have all three. I sorta been stuck but lately Ive been listening to this one file that has deep sleep in the title and I do seem to go into a slumber. I once woke up 40 minutes later thinking I was only out for a little bit. Also, visualize help I make up things to do with it. Anywasie, I think that file mixed with the deep sleep is a wonderful mix. Ive also made new files that affect apersons ability to be with women. Some I would like to improve on and expand. Im not too sure exactly how else to explore the world of women as I seem to have hit some sort of wall. Don't get me wrong its extremely fun to make the files. A lot of people have downloaded. Or just one person. I don't know but I hope I helped someone. Ive got this huge block of files that I put together and was going to upload but thought that maybe I should make all my own original files since people tend to get irked when their work is copied and pasted. So itll probably be a while before the next file that I upload but I might still give out improved versions. Its like Im a dog with a bone, I just keep coming back to it.

- lew897

The visualizehelp file with my own take on it with the bins and iso is really starting to take an effect on me. Like Ill listen to the file on repeat and itll take me away from this place. lol. It feels like Im this close to falling asleep but I never do. Im guessing that with time this will become very easy to do. Im also thinking of putting a trigger on this file to bring me back to it. It makes listening to other files really easy to do and sorta take control of. I don't know, its like just knowing that the words are there and yet at the same time they make images in my mind is like proof that its real. I don't know I guess itll be a while before I really understand everything about myself. Who knows when that will happen.

- lew897

I have to say that, listening to the sub and iso is quite not like anything that I have ever experienced probably I in my life. While Im listening its like, there is proof that my subconscious is working and doing something, because there are only words coming out of the earphones, but in my mind I see so much. So much, that it feels like real life almost. Im starting to see that what is on the surface is proof that it exists if I can see it while listening and becoming this person that is evolving. My problems seem to be sorted out while listening. Its definitely a mind trip. For instance, my self identity gets put on display and expressed and understood because I see stuff like real life.

- lew897

Recently, Ive just been listening to files that deal with sub and iso. Im not too sure exactly how to deal with it all since I seem to keep improving. I also want to continue writing files but Ive just been stressed out over the holidays. First time its actually been this stressful ever I think. lol. Just glad that its over. The more I think about it, I just wonder exactly how hard of a subject to trance I am. Because Ive been doing a lot just to trance. About to be over six months. Hard to imagine that its all gone by. Everyone is changing in my life. Lol. I always thougt Id have enough time, but maybe that's the biggest joke.

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