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izatga88's Recent Entries

Tooootal Downer

by izatga88

My finance-y stuff went boom yesterday - I was denied, so now I have to go back to the drawing board here. Blah~ Totally got my hopes up and everything. I was doing everything I could not to start crying over the phone when the news came in....I was that close. It's sooo totally like an extra knife in the gut sitting & reading everyone's Tumblr blogs {see previous posts....I think?}.

Regardless, I think my scatterbrained self finally settled on some exact numbers - 850cc, high-profile implants & under the muscle if at all possible. Every single pic and example I cant find at that size look totally awesome & just right for me. Any smaller and my brain just says "those dont look right or are like, kinda deflated", but any larger and I think the poroportions or whatever would just be way too off. I think there's a point where they stop looking fun and fake & start looking.....heavy and awkward. I think half the time I come across pronstars that make me think "eeeeww" it's because their tits are too huge for their frame & they injected their lips like waaaaay more than they probably should have......but I wouldn't mind having enough plump up there to cusion a nice thick cock either.

I've got a weird separation/dual-personality thing going right now. I'm eaither the "business" version of myself that robots off her job and talks to people, or I've got my thinkies shut off and am starved for cum. I have SUCH a fixation on my chest now too...I'm such a horny slut.....I cant stop touching myself - even at work. Even in "serious/business mode", I cant escape the brainwashing. It's like it's sunk in so deep now that every inch of me is leaking bimbo. I can still function, but....when did I get some dumb and helpless? I cant do anything complicated on my own. Whether I'm good at it or not, I'm at least confident about sex. I CANNOT see myself working anything other than some kind of porn for a long-term career.

My BFF got back from her New Year vacation & told me she's about 95% positive ~someone~ had to see her totally naked & getting fucked up against a window - the phots of the hotel room were AWESOME. They had to run out and grab some Windex in the early morning to the room-cleaners didnt see the mess they made all over the place (also photo'd). I cant stop sucking her tits when I see her now, much less stop thinking about doing it once we're done.


- izatga88

The whole bimbo thing is always reassuring when you read your chosen field of education has been listed in the top 30 worst-paying degrees of 2013. They even forgot to mention the part where you aren't at all taken seriously if you are female and in your twenties.....yay.....

More sex please~!

- StrippedGears

No big loss then if you listen to Dumbing Down...

- izatga88

Another of the Dumbing Down files just went free~

Minerelaxer has a new "Bimbo Curse" or something that was recently uploaded - I'll probably look into that once it is also no longer a Prem file.

- izatga88

Holy shit thats way too many typos....I think I got the implant stuff !00% right so far as the measurements I want though. I may be absolutely bisexual now. c_c

- mutatedbunnyboy

Who, out of you and your bff would you say is the biggest bimbo? And what are your feelings when you think about sucking cock and fucking for a career?

- izatga88

Actually, I've been watching enough late-night porn in recent months that I started to realise that they are never ~actually~ showing naughty-bits on TV. I'd be excited then to both act in and even create something that doesn't feel so...."artificial" and "tame" like the kind of crap that's on late cable.

Hard to say about my BFF - I think a vast majority of why she keeps it going is her boyfriend. I got her doing it, it attracted him, and now it's just something she kind of "slipped into". I've only ever made it more intense & fetish-y for her I guess, so it's hard to say whether she is since she actually looks the part or I am since I've let it saturate my entire existence. I wonder if she ~would~ slip out of it if neither of us were pushing her & got left alone.

She's also gotten addicted to hardcore girl+girl stuff along with me as of late....I wonder if she'd be okay with being cast in a film? XD

- StrippedGears

People make amateur porn all the time. Could even be a decent way of making a few bucks.

- PowerHoden

Do you really want to expose yourself to porn? Didnt you once said that your deepest desire was to be loved by a guy who leads you on and with whom you can have a family? Dont you think it could be quite troublesome having a past in porn? Especially when one day you might want to become a mother? To me it seems like you are going further and further away from your initial aim of finding a guy and instead go for shallow relationships. But do they truly make you happy? Are you really happy? Or are you just too horny to forget about yourself being unhappy?

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