I have been here for a while, what is done here has always interested me. However, most of the files that appear to be effective are also semi-permanent, and have effects that are too life changing.
I still wanted to try hypnosis files and receive a stark effect, but I didn't want to ruin my life, or stick myself with an effect that it would turn out I didn't like. The solution then, was to try something that effected my dreams. This would give me the ability to both try hypnosis, and not disrupt my daily life.
So I tried several files, of limited quality, until I came upon FemaleDreams by EMG. Prior to moving on to trying to affect my dreams, I had already tried several files. I knew that I could achieve trance, but the problem was getting effects to stick.
I had to get a deepener. So went out and got two files that sounded like what I needed: Deepening, and TrainSleepReinforce. I also picked up TrainSusceptable, a third file that I had heard worked very well.
For those who don't know, FemaleDreams is supposed to make you dream your day over again, only this time as a female, when you listen to it at night. If you listen to it again in the morning, the file swaps the real memories of that day with the dream memories.
The first night, I tried FemaleDreams on its own. No dice, but I figured this might just be because it was my first time with the file. The second night (last night) I used Deepening followed by FemaleDreams followed by TrainSleepReinforce. Deepening is an inductor that is supposed to take you down deeper and harder into trance, and it worked very well. I lost about five minutes between the end of it and the start of FemaleDreams, where a cough jostled me out of the deeper trance.
TrainSleepReinforce works differently. It makes it so you repeat any training and triggers in your sleep. It worked, to a lesser extent, but I found it to interfere with FemaleDreams.
With those two extra files bolstering FemaleDreams, I found that I had a slight effect, wherein every time I mentioned being female in my sleep (due to TrainSleepReinforce), I would switch for an instant to match, but I could not dream my prior day when I did so.
Tonight will make my third use of FemaleDreams. I will use TrainSusceptable, which is supposed to make all trances deeper, and all hypnosis more effective, followed by Deepening and then FemaleDreams.
I'm not sure how long or how often I will update this journal, but any updates will include something resembling a dream journal where I recount the dream I had the prior night.
A few things to know about my dreams prior to the file: I have had lucid dreams before, but they are very rare. I usually have fairly strong dream recall. I dream in color. Here's hoping I get the intended effect tonight.