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lew897's Recent Entries

Goings on

by lew897

Everything has been going normal as normal can be. I am starting to have feelings of things that I see, as well as hear stuff. I think my sense into trance is to listen. Often times its easier to hear stuff and then see stuff. Or vice versa. Still listening to the deep sleep iso and visualize subliminal. At times I do get a little cooped up just listening to this one regiment since I would like to try other stuff. But at the same time I know this works. The conditioning phase has taken effect and I really go deep. I still haven't fallen asleep. Or blacked out while listening. My goal is to fall asleep at a snap. Not too sure how its going to happen, but it will be awesome.


- lew897

Everything is still going as the same, with the only exception that Ive been editing the files that Ive been listening to. Usually, I don't have the interest to continue on with the minor changes that need to be made because its like listening to 20 minutes for the smallest mistake and fixing it. But I found a solution, just delete the file in major portions so that I have to fix it. So, I finally fixed it completely and added some things. Funny ending though. Fixed it but the new take has some new minor errors.

- lew897

In the file making department, Ive had a few ideas about making a file about getting attracted to women while also adding some of my own files that ive made with some weird effects of the listening. I usually listen to a hour long file with files mixed in from a lot from WWM. So without wanting to step on peoples toes, Im going to write my own files on everything and slice it down to 20-30 minutes. Hopefully it feels like its from the future and really strange. More like an sped up experience.

- darkenedav

an awesome goal to strive to. Good luck! :)

- lew897

Thanks, its an easy goal for some but I for some reason cant pass out. Ive been reading up a lot and its suppose to be like a skill. Boot, Ive listened to regular hypnosis files on here and only the personality changes have taken effect, and the doggy fuck curse. So, I researched and have been listening to subliminals, isochronic tones, and binurals. With a regular file playing. So a hybrid file. Where suggestions and computers intertwine to create a mind experience. Its been working pretty swell. Listened to deepening2 and it makes me feel relaxed. Like a blanket is wrapped about me. In the moment, I really like it.

- lew897

While listening today, I noticed a little habit of mine. That during a trance my mind will go off on a little tangent, I used to think that this was just my mind wandering off. Boot, now I think that the extra material is really my subconscious creating thoughts in my head that it believes are relevant to the subject. I noticed this after I became intranced to feel that relaxing was what felt right, so I would allow any thoughts to happen and then continue on with the file. I noticed the pattern that any thought was really part of the file manifesting itself in my own thought process. Which may explain why I didn't think it was working before. My thoughts were so clever as to not tell me where it was thinking, because I was listening to it at that moment and dismissed it as merely my mind wandering. Boot in actuality it was clearly directing my thoughts into the file. Almost like inception. Except I don't fall asleep. I hope that makes some sense. But this does make me feel more excited about listening to files.

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