(Fucking hell, every time I go to type her name....) "My BFF" had an.....interesting story to tell me today (in between our tongue action). Her family came to visit her for the weekend. So far as I can recall, they have not actually seen the changes she's made to herself since I got involved. I ~think~ they were aware that she'd had work done, but they obviously had not witnessed first hand exactly what all was going on.......but they finally did this weekend.
Like just about every friend I've had plus myself and my sister, we keep VERY messy rooms - my BFF in particular tends to leave her slutty Victoria's Secret stuff littered not just around her bedroom, but I HAVE caught panties in the refrigerator from drunken night with increasing frequency over the last year or something(?), and there are many times where she'll walk around topless when I stay over. Apparently her parents noticed this. O_O
She was telling me today that it took her like two hours on Friday evening to realise that both of them kept staring at her crazy cleavage & she needed to put a jacket on, and THEN she must have rolled out of the air mattress she slept on (nude) and accidentally flashed her dad as he was exiting the bathroom in the morning.
I was actually supposed to attend dinner with all of them but had to cancel at the last minute (I kinda regret that I missed it too from the sound of it). Her boyfriend must have let something REALLY embarrassing/suggestive about their sexing slip in conversation (she didn't say what exactly), and the end-result of this entire clusterfuck of a weekend came to a giant climax (teehee~) when her mother pulled her aside before they left this morning and asked if she was "turning tricks to support herself"....they think she's a hooker! XD
So ya....blond, big tits & piercings, & a tramp stamp....dumb, slutty.....she said it was both horrifying and insanely hot to get all that validation from her parents. I'm somewhere between laughing and disturbed myself, but her father totally thinks she's a bimbo/whore now. @_@