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AnnabelleCarmenCret's Recent Entries

Day 4

by AnnabelleCarmenCret

So it's a little later than I said I would have posted, but I'm still here aren't I?

As of my last post, I have gotten a mistress that believes that I might be worthy of her training. I'll keep the name a secret until later if she allows me to post her name.

As I said before, clearing my mind hasn't really been something that I excel at. I do feel confidence in my mistresses abilities to change my body into a mirror of my heart.

I'll post any results that occur during these next few days here so I can spread the word of my mistresses prowess, y'know?

Until my next trick, Chio.

--- Annabelle Carmen Cret


- hunt4it

keep in mind she will help you become what you want. then what she is expecting of you.

- AnnabelleCarmenCret

Thanks for the tip hunt4it. I'm certain that I'll make her proud of how my inner woman has come to my physical body.

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