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izatga88's Recent Entries

Just About Bedtime.... (2/27 Fixed Comm. Update)

by izatga88

I think this deserves to grace the world outside of my mind, so here it goes:

My BIGGEST fantasy for like forever has always been a dark, interrogation-y kind of room with a single overhead (spot)light pointing down at me. After having forced cosmetic changes made to my body (dye, implants, etc...), my half-conscious self is carried into the room and strapped to a chair. I cant see well beyond the light aiming at me, and a dark figure wearing a lab coat types away at a computer before motioning to put some sort of sensory-deprivation device on my head. The next month(s) is spent being hooked into the computer while it erases every last conscious thought from my mind & my body is constantly poked and prodded with every manner of vibrator/other sexual stimulus possible. When everything is finished & I'm allowed to move again, all I can do is stare blankly ahead with my mouth open......waiting patiently for my first of many whorish acts to come.


- izatga88

Blah, it's like 7am...I should totally get my tushie to bed now. Been having fun following Candy over at Bimbo Dreams - she's really downing the audio hypnosis stuff. If her math skills are ~really~ dying as fast as they seem to be, she'll be a complete airhead in no-time. Really.....it's scary how fast that all sneaks up on you. My BFF has been keeping an eye on the page too, and her boyfriend has now also taken an interest in making further changes to her (mind); I'm a little conflicted as to how I feel about that.

- StrippedGears

Saw this article and thought "man, I know exactly who'd want to see this!" http://metro.co.uk/2014/02/19/barbie-doll-fan-has-hypnotherapy-to-make-her-brainless-like-her-icon-4310750/

- izatga88

Whoa, interesting! Such a wonderfully backwards and fucked up world we live in ay? I think she totally has the right idea though.

Hmm.....the "MindMelter" file that Scarab just posted seems to possibly be the file that Candy is using over at her tumblr page.....durn paywall.....

Interesting phone conversation with my BFF today got me thinking about stuff. We were chatting about Candy's recent postings about audio hypnosis, and she mentioned that she's had enough exposure to different audio files now that she cant determine whether something is her own "original" thought or not. I'm not sure I've mentioned it before here, but it really hit me as she was giving out examples.....is everything I'm thinking at any given moment something that all the brainwashing planted in me? I've given just about every proper bimbo file on this site a try, and after such a long time, I totally don't know which file did what to me anymore. It's actually alarming on some level that any inner turmoil brought on by this realisation is quickly met with a odd wave of warmth and fogginess.....the feeling that I should stop dwelling on it, etc.

- gorgomctavish

What is an "original" thought anyway ? is there any thought in your mind that is not partly or wholly influenced by the content fed to you by your parents, the school system, mass media and various other sources. <\b><\b>You could argue that all was really done was changing the source of brainwashing. And since that was probably done while acting on a very deep, unconscious desires, then those thoughts might have been actually as original as they could get...

- izatga88

Good point~

- izatga88

I need to make an amendment I just caught on to (I wonder if anyone noticed it) - it's probably a good signifier for how shot my brain be at this point.

I recently mentioned "Candy" in regards to the tumblr stuff and the Mindmelter file - that's ~supposed~ to be "Cookie".

Candy runs the Bimbo Candy blog, and Cookie runs the Bimbo Dreams blog. Recently, I have been following Cookie's Bimbo Dreams blog ~more~ than I have been Candy's Bimbo Candy blog. So, if you catch any spots in my postings mixing the two up (which I'm thinking a may have done in a few spots now), congrats.....you've just witnessed first-hand the inner-workings of a bimbo's mind. XD

- nativedragon

how are things going for ya IZ?

- StrippedGears

It's been a while. Things going OK?

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