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Confidece with Women Files Ive Created in the Past Year and this Year is Awesom

by lew897

Ive recently gotten myself into the making people confident to approach women, women approach them with their minds, dating, etc. Basically, Ive been racking my head for ideas a ton. Its almost become like a quest to make ideas for people to be with women. I force myself to write an hour every other day about this. For quite a while, and it has been pretty awesome. Always a satisfying feeling. I tend to think this is all will power from myself to continue one, because after the first few I was out of ideas already. I really am just going onwards. I do want to try human voices recording, both myself and female peps. I got a lot of stuff coming up in the future I guess. I also wonder a lot if people mind the tts files, because I kinda like it, as well as my word usage since I try to make it personal by using word phrasing in a quirky way. I am going to try and make the best next file, just completely blow the other files out the water in style and personal enjoyment. At least I hope to shot for the moon.


- lew897

Been listening to Bandlers trance files. I have to admit its is awesome. It seems to always be able to relax me, even if I have a headache. It is quite amazing. I really enjoyed every second of listening to it.

- lew897

Thanks for the compliment and observations. I purposely made them short so that it could be looped. lol. Also, it was my first scripts and I didn't realize that it takes so much time to get only five minutes! Im half way done of my third 15 minute plus file! I also have ideas for two more files dealing a lot more into the experience of talking with women. I purposely try to make weird quirky remarks in the files because after listening to files these past few years, there isn't any that are made like mine. Maybe there is, but I haven't heard any.

- lew897

By ideas, do you mean feeling your emotions allow you to pick up women, allow the fem side be into chaseing women, or being okay poor and still being with women?

- lew897

Lately, be having some ideas about what to write about and try to put into a file or experience.

- lew897

Nobodys commented or said anything about the files that Ive made, so my main thought is that its either okay and doesn't really stand out in any way and isn't too terrible that they would publically display that it was bad. I would like some thoughts about them and if they have helped anyone do anything. Im probably going to be typing up a new one today for quite awhile since I had a ton of ideas just crop into my head. Or rather ideas that I had but didn't know how to convey them into a script.

- lew897

Lately, Ive been just listening to files from bandler and my own subliminal files. Its gotten pretty cool. I don't pass out, but I do get very relaxed. Sometimes it feels like Im drifting. As for the sissy side, it does get strong when I am alone, or with people who know about it. I am curious if my files have helped anybody though. Its like I just get inspired by the idea that people go after women and pick them up when previously they didn't even think it was possible.

- lew897

Ive been wanting to write another one, that is kinda pov style and was just wondering if this was the next logical step to try out. Would be awesome to just make something every day, but it is kinda difficult for myself. Sometimes, Ill realize that Im just copying the same thing that I wrote earlier.

- Plaat

I pasted over them before because A they were short; and B I've been focusing on fem files the last many years; But I gave some of them a listen and your writing is very good. If you make several more I might have the option of listening to them all the time and drop all the sissy stuff I've been growing towards, but never committing, because part of me is just waiting to have a good income and chase the ladies then; I've had some dates but never many because of the lack of independence I feel. Maybe that gives you more ideas; I'd keep going if I were you, especially with the 20-25 min length ones.

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