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lew897's Recent Entries

Myself in this File making attracting Women

by lew897

Finally made the newest file for attracting the women in the world. It was a long time and I continuously forgot how much that I had and I actually over did the writing process. I had more than I really needed. Its pretty cool. Im not too sure though about the whole thing since its easy for me to go into trance, I can easily imagine myself in the shoes of a confident person. It would be nice to know what is working for other people who have used my stuff or similar stuff. I used to use only other peoples stuff for getting women but now I only use the stuff that Ive made with tts. Ive taken a lot of stuff from people who gave out free material and is used commonly. Which is like only a sentence and on top of that I usually hear a lot of the phrases and suggestions in a lot of peoples scripts so I thought that I would take them and make them more in the spirit of something that would make it better like more better and something cool something that's not copied all that much or something that's new but in a familiar way but in a new setting. Ive sorta realized that writing all these scripts and spending time with hypnosis ideas in general I tend to naturally think in a way that uses the creative juices to be hypnotic. Even if I don't show it, since Im not too sure about the whole ethics of stepping into a persons mind, once I realize that I am, I immediately stop myself and just do something else. Usually if its something that I know is happening.


- lew897

I would like to say that I did not to the best of my knowledge use word for word phrases. I basically just took concepts from different people that seemed to repeat itself and to me didn't seem all that different since everyone was using it. The best one that inspired me was Bandler since he gave away free stuff and it was also recommended by Derren Brown in a interview so I just used it since it was the exact same thing.

- lew897

Lately, even though I haven't listened to sissy acceptance or fem butt growth in quite a while I still get tons of dreams about these things. The other day I dreamt that my chest was getting larger and that I was focusing on it. In a separate dream I dreamt that my butt grew into a large womans butt, like huge size, and just thinking about it while Im awake is kinda funny. But these dreams sorta feel like a road map into what I could do if I wanted to.

- lew897

In terms of getting into hypnosis, just listening to a file once will really affect me. So, generally its easy for me to get addicted to files. Most of the time I try my hardest to just listen to one file since that way the suggestions will be better accepted by my unaware side. One file by bandler is what Ive been listening quite a bit to. Its very strange, in that it feels all real and makes me smile quite a bit since I have people from real life in my trances be there in the beginning. Usually it all feels very good. Im just trying to decide when I should listen to more body modifications since I don't want to leave just trance files since lately its been tons better than ever before. Its like my whole life is affected by these files and I really want to get to the point where just tranceing is a snap, during the file I can go under but not on a dime.

- lew897

Been listening to this file probably like I should be using it. Twice a day, and for forty minutes. Usually, Ill just listen once or not for forty minutes. Lately, ive really been getting into the whole trance thing. I think that its working somewhat.

- lew897

So, its been easy going. Been listening to my files regularly and just learning more about hypnosis in general. Not too sure about it all since its mostly strange that it all is working for some and others the stories they tell themselves, which is what we use to motivate ourselves and are really all that we have in a sense.

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