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izatga88's Recent Entries

Just a Quickie

by izatga88

I wanted to put out an update since I've got an Inbox of concerned "citizens" wondering if I'm alive - I am~

I've been escalating some work and college stuff, and as per required of that, I've been easing off of the hypnosis stuff for now (which also seems to be intensifying my desire for it).

Anyways, I've been insanely busy over the last two weeks, and will be for this weekend too.....I'm not sure what exactly to put in a longer update......I'm a bit conflicted as to what I should do.


- nativedragon

glad to see you're okay IZ :)

- zapnosis

Good to hear from you again, Iz. Glad you're well!

- izatga88

Yup yup, thanks~

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