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zapnosis' Recent Entries

Happy Zappy

by zapnosis

Hi guys! I have had many requests over the last 6 years or so for the beats I have used in my files. When I created them I used 3 frequencies together, one inside another so to speak. The theory I was working to was that the brain would slow down to converge to the faster beats and as it did so it would notice the faster beats less and the slower beats more. The slower the beats, the slower the mind... the slower the mind, the deeper the trance. Happy days.

Since the brain would then climb downward from each frequency to the next, I nicknamed this beat pattern "The Ladder." To this day I have absolutely no idea whether that theory has anything to do with the reality, but I have had much feedback from people who said that the beats were very effective for them and that's good enough for me. And people wanted their own copy.

I have been happy to explain the beats, but I have resisted releasing the tones as a track because... well, a few reasons. What it comes down to is, I think people are probably better off playing around with their own sound rather than using a generic track. But over the last few weeks 2 things have struck me. Firstly, I have no plans to produce more files and if I did I would probably start again with the beats 'cause The Ladder is kind of old now. Secondly, a lot of people aren't confident about messing around with tones and frequencies and such.

So, yes, I have published The Ladder. I also have some more beat tracks in the pipeline, some more complex than others, but all will be tested on my long-suffering brain. If people like them, use them and let me know about it, I will release more. I may even invest in some half-decent software if I consider it to be worth it. So... a new release, a new project, and I'm happy! And better things may yet come from it. Cheers, Z


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