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Eugler's Recent Entries

Curse - Lucid Dreams 2

by Eugler

01. Started listening to the file yesterday. I have some experience in lucid dreaming but I want to increase my LD frequency. I like the suggestions but the acoustic quality seems a little poor so I have some problems understanding a few words.


- Eugler

02. Fell asleep, can't remember much.

- lew897

Good luck! I have always wanted to try files that affect dreams but haven't really tried them. Using hypnosis I think has altered the way I dream no matter what. Do you still listen to visualize help? And what is your thoughts about it?

- Eugler

09-10. Nothing special yet, but most of the time during listening transparent eyelids.

- Eugler

11. Interesting. I kept my eyes open during the induction and some strange effects happened: With eyes open my mind became quite blank. Then I closed my eyes and I felt the presence of somebody. Then I felt tentacles coming out of my tense shoulders, which relaxed them at the same time. While falling deeper I felt some tingling between my legs like somebody touching.

- Eugler

12. Got disturbed a few times but managed to remain awake.

- Eugler

13. Managed to stay awake.

- Eugler

I've listened the visualize help for 30 times, which was my goal and I definitely improved my visualization skills a lot. I wrote some comments to the initial post. Some day the images were almost dreamlike. So I think the file is definitely worth while listening

- Eugler

03. Just for documentation. The low sound quality is still unpleasant.

- Eugler

04. I slowly get used to the quality and I like it more and more. During listening I fell asleep sometimes but had very intense dreams. In one I was flying up a hill (lucid) and in another one I had sex with a chubby man.

- Eugler

05. I was again very tired and fell sometimes asleep during the hypnosis and had some short lucid dreams. I even experienced sleep paralysis for a few seconds.

- Eugler

06. Fell asleep, can't remember much. But I was wincing quite often.

- Eugler

07. Fell asleep. Just for documentation.

- Eugler

08. Listened again and had again a lot of transparent Eylid-Effects.

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