Been super-busy lately & finally got myself a day off today. It's like crazy-bright in the house this afternoon, and I figured I'd clean the place up a bit after lunch, so I sat here at the PC while eating & checking websites.....I figured I'd pop by here for a sec and see if there've been any new uploads recently.
WELL, as it turns out, Minerelaxer put up a new file "Bimbo Curse" that's a NLP, sub, bi file - much to my delight, it actually seemed to be intended for girls, so I figured I'd give it a listen as I did the housework.
BIG mistake on my part. Within minutes of it starting (I had my earbuds in), my legs were giving out. I wound up just sitting blankly on the couch listening for the duration of the file. The actual contents of the file are sort of swirling around in my head still, but what I can remember of it (actually feels like it is quickly slipping away) didn't suggest there were any bizzaro directives given, so "Bimbo Curse" gets a pass in my book.
When the file came to an end, I immediately caught myself jumping up practically screaming "What!? What just happened!?" - I totally zoned out, barely even realised the file had ended, and I found myself completely soaked straight down my leg in my own juices, with everything feeling like I was throbbing in my panties. It's STILL not stopping either here.
Honestly it's everything I think i could possibly ask for in a bimbo-oriented file. As....hard as it is to "let go" and just let instructions wash over me when I'm not completely unconcious, I found myself trying really hard to pay attention to what was being said, only to have the spoken words dance around in my brain and confuse me even more. I'd think I'd here a particular set of words, my mind would try to latch on & understand them, but then the voice would say something similar, but different & the original meaning my brain was working towards would instantly fade away. Again, I had a serious HOLY SHIT moment when the file finished and I snapped back to reality.
Just wow....I think I'm going to have to have to pass this one around. The voice used, the way the sound bounce back and forth, the playful way everything is worded (even confused me for trying to intently follow along with it while awake)......just wow.....the damage this is going to do to me - I'd love to see what this would do to someone like my BFF or Cookie over at Tumblr when they actually have 24/7 access to guys that are "in" on their bimbo stuff. I'm trying to internally debate the importance of remaining sharp for work and school here (it's all been going great as of late actually), but I haven't had such a shock to my system in a while, the bimbo in me is starting to really want to surface again and take over.
I dont think I'm going to be winning against it.