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File Thoughts

by lew897

Ive been making a few files and ideas for a while now and lately Ive been having doubts and concerns about the things that Ive done so far. Like I haven't done enough or that I wont be able to do enough. I have been wondering exactly what should be in a file? To be honest I really don't know. I Know what I want out of files, but at the same time I only make files that I will listen to myself. Everything I made I listened a lot to already. The only thing is that I am committed to becoming better at trance so any future file I make wont be listened by me in person. Soley, because listening to different files will change the efficiency of a file. On top of all that, I genuinely don't care what it sounds like or ends up being only what it does. From the comments of people it seems that there are criteria that are required to just listen to a file through once. Honestly, I don't feel like fulfilling those requirements mostly because I find the work boring and tedious. Especially the way that I make them where there is a ton of stuff going on in each file, Im more concerned with the story in the file. I have considered going back and remaking a lot of the files I already made in an attempt to see what its like to make an intense file. To make it seem like something that they would listen to even if it wasn't a file for x.


- lew897

Lately, Ive been really digging just going under. It almost feels like Im not actually going under. It used to be that I would visualize whats going on in the file, but lately its just going where ever my subconscious takes me. Also, like it feels like when I think of my body its not really mine but something that is just there. Seriously, the time just flies. Like where does it go? Where?

- lew897

The trances have become quite intense. Like Im being transported to another place. Its very calming, especially the mountains! It is quite random at times but Im still getting used to the controls. Dreams almost feel like real life as well.

- lew897

I would have to say that hypnosis has sorta brought another part of me that is like an improved version. After the file is done its like Im just physically okay. Its almost like my body is clear of anything. Once this started happening, I do admit it became almost like a drug addiction. Waiting til the next time I can listen to my file knowing the outcome. I do admit that it is a huge uplift to my day. I remember the crystal clear images that used to come once in a while be like a warm welcome and almost like a sight to sore eyes when I did see it. Now adays its becoming very common to see amazing images. Sometimes I have to catch myself because there are things that happened in trance but not real life.

- lew897

Having gotten this far or deep, Ive been wanting to try other files to listen to. Mainly the women attraction files, flexibility files, clear skin, penis growth, and maybe some feminization files. The thing that's holding me back is that I sorta want to get to the point where one suggestion could affect me very much. The great way its been going lately I don't want to stop listening to the file. It literally takes away any aches or pains I have. I also think its healing my nerve damaged arms. I also have to say that my dreams really feel like a day passes by. It is usually about what I was thinking that day but they seem to progress logically. I would also say that I know that the trance is not real but it does seem exactly like real life. There are those moments where Im waiting to see what happens its quite odd. I do think my subconscious is working extremely hard to get it right me.

- lew897

Ive been noticing lately that I will listen to my file and the parts that I want most is when women are there. I know its a bit perv but its relaxing and almost feels like Im in someone elses life. In general everything is better almost in correlation with the depth of trance. Like today I just had thought while in trance to do more girly poses, when I had the chance I did. As well as give up soda with just thoughts. Im not too sure I could've done those with just will power alone. With no file listening either, I think the line between reality and trance reality are slowly begun to intertwine.

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