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WarrenGWonka's Recent Entries

Well, here I am.

by WarrenGWonka

I've been learning about hypnosis for the last couple of days. Currently I've gone through some amazing orgasm files, and I can induce myself deep, and give myself a really nice no-hands orgasm. I tried deliberately resisting a command to strip off my clothes to masturbate, and succeeded. I tried an "additive erotic file", went deep, and bailed out when the hypnotist told me about addictive things, and wanted me to play the file as often as possible. I immediately baled out and left a nasty comment on the file among all the "I love my good master" comments. A few years ago, I chatted using "recreational multiple personalities". Some, my favorites, came "alive". I could "feel" what was happening. Sally is a top, whose hobby is learning to give the very nicest blowjobs in magiccyberland. She likes cowgirl, and has lots of control with her PC muscles. Let's just say that the men she encountered in the chat rooms liked the encounters a lot. She was a shard off my subconscious, and she got to come out and play, I got the RT orgasms. Fair trade. Sally: Bullshit! If I had a body I'd be out of that deal soooo fast! :) Anyway, I think I have a trigger to call her out, and I think she'd really like playing out the "give a blowjob" script. Wish her luck!


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