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MistressDolly question and anwser

by bethy59

and now a little presentation , knowing as bethy59 , in warpmymind , as MistressDolly on Irc , hypbook and inraptured , what am i ? i'm a pro hypno Mistress , what do you mean ? it is pretty easy to understand , what i mean i'm hypnotist in the erotic hypnosis , what the erotic hypnosis is ? very good question , the erotic hypnosis is the fact to can make the fantasme of the people becoming true , by hallucinate , behavior change , feeling creation , so the erotic hypnosis is something sexual? it can be indeed , but it is not always the case , some people wanting to see themself and acting as a manga heros for an example is a part of my work , transformation , robotification , bimbozation , slavery , body change it is true we can make a real change in the body of someone by hypnosis? yes indeed it is , the hypnosis is not a sorcery it is a science some binaural wave have the faculty to modify the chemical's brain , for an example we can make growing the muscle , the breast , stoping the hair push growing the ass or at in the inverse way making them becoming less important and more little why the hypnosis is not something very popular? because some people refuse to trust and belive about the power of them own brain and dont realise all the aplication the hypnosis can have what kind of application? the hypnosis can be used in a hospital at the place of some medicament , anti hurting , we can make someone fall in trance for a little chirurgy , helping the people to stop smoking , fighting against the headache and many other thing do you think the hypnosis will be reconise by more people in the futur ? absolutely , i think it is the case , the human brain is less knowing than the ocean , and with the progress we do by hypnosis, some people are able to make them own sens more important , to create a tulpa , a kind of second persona , will always take the better desision for you did the rule about we can't do anything we dont want when in trance is real? not at all , this rule is using by the hypno terapeute for put the person in a state of trustfull , but in hypnosis some people calling predator are able to broke all resistance and all the wall of someone , making them an horible thing what kind of thing they are able to do ? it depend of the skill of the person , they can change them in a permanent doll , optaining them bank account and many other thing so the hypnosis can be dangerous? it can be if the person dont have any safety and down against someone with a bad intention how do you see yourself as a Mistress ? haha exelent question , i will say i'm the kind of friendly one , very respectfull of the desire the people can have , and always glad to have make them smile or have helping them to change them life in the way they was wanting so a last question , what is th hypnosis exactely for you? the hypnosis is in fact so much thing that it is impossible for me to describe it , a video game , a tv , a big theater where you are the one guid all , a dream , so if i need to make short , the hypnosis is the way to enter in a brain and changing it the hypnotist himself/herself is a guid , it is your brain do all for us , the hypnosis is simply for me , the better thing have existing in all the world because we can almost make possible all will not be for someone in his/her natural life meow


- underMissEleanor

Very well exposed and honest. A newcomer can have a good perspective on what hypnosis is and what to expexct and what to watch out for.

- bethy59

thank you for the coment and indeed it was what i intended when i has done this question anwser to myself and i has find it fun to do , a kind of self intervew meow

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