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neoflare's Recent Entries

The beginning

by neoflare

It's a very good place to start... or at least the movie says so. This is my first journal entry, and I don't imagine it'll be the last. Basically I've started listening to the female takeover file.. this is a file I found myself purchasing quite awhiles ago and only started using it today. After much by way of internal debating (for obvious reasons). So, I've bitten the bullet and listened to it three times today, thus far there's nothing remotely different or exciting. I'm tempted to say that at the least it'll take a few days. I'm going to do my best to keep you guys up to date with it all. As far as I can (assuming it works) or until I give up on the file working. I'm going to give it at least a month, maybe 2 months. I've gotta keep this short.


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