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neoflare's Recent Entries

Potential bigish update

by neoflare

This update is a little earlier then expected. I just need to write this down quickly (it's 2am for me right now). As I won't have much of a chance to update for nearly another 20 or so hours. Apologies, for some strange reason I can't seem to make paragraphs work on here.. I've tried a few times without success :(. Anyways, the update.... basically I just woke up from a really weird dream (weird and vivid). I think I just met Daniella... maybe... but she wasn't a child in the dream she looked like she might've been about mid 20's. Why the dream was weird is because I was next to a railway line and it was dark with some mist and fog but with a nice bright moon. No station to be seen. What happens is a black steam train came along... wooden carriages the works. It stopped and let an elegant looking woman off directly in front of me. When I say elegant, think 1940's womens formal wear, red outfit (a gown), with a black jacket type thing and a hat also black. Longish hair that was being worn up, which if I had to guess would come down to around the middle of her back, a little bit taller then me, dark red lipstick, brown hair, blue eyes. She didn't get to say anything before I woke up. And now I'm feeling that weird light and spaced out feeling again.


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