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by duality99

Well listened to the file 3 times in a row earlier today. First one I didn't go deep. Second one I kinda went deep. And the third one was very bizarre.

Basically I was focusing on the hypnotists voice. But then something in me just wanted to relax, so I tuned out. The deeper I fell the stronger the effects got. My body started buzzing. And I got this weird whooshing sound in my head. Felt my body was female, but not quite there. Then I think I slipped into a dream state and I was in front of the mirror and I grew boobs. But I was still in my male body so it looked odd.

I think my previous post about focusing and following the hypnotists is wrong. It seems like I really just need to let go and not worry about the outcome. I tend to always get success when I stop trying so hard. Basically I'm going to treat the hypnotists voice as if it were directed to my subconscious, not for my conscious miind. So there is no need to actively follow it.


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