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lew897's Recent Entries

File Creation 2

by lew897

Have been doing a few hypnosis creation files for requests that are in the forums, which has been kinda interesting since I believe that my abilities have become enough of a routine that I can create the type of file that I think would be helpful. I usually, listen to the files because I want them to work out right, but lately they work too well on me. I didn't listen to the Hello Breast as much as I should have because I didn't want to get an erection when looking at breast for five minutes. But the Great Ass Attraction has taken effect on me. I seem to notice everything about a woman more and seem to be attracted subconsciously by her ass. Like, I have to check her ass out no matter what. There is this one file that I wanted to create but cant seem to find in the forum posts which was about the female orgasm and arousal. Which would be pretty cool to try to make. I still want my tss to sound better, have been experimenting with different things but haven't found that crispness that a few Ive heard sound like. It might just boil down to programming of the tts soundboard, and that I have to be a slave to the big companies. So far Ive stayed true to a free program that Ive tweaked massively for a better sounding tts. There is so much that I still need to learn. Perhaps, in the spring Ill take some computer classes.


- JackDrago

I can so relate, man. My latest tape was not meant for me, but my subconscious really liked it and tricked me into trance practically every time I was exposed to the material in the production process. I am actually finding myself addicted to a file that I never deliberately tranced to; to the point where I am now giving in and taking it on as a regular part of my hypnotic routine.

- lew897

lol. The life of a hypnosis file creator.

- lew897

Lately, Ive been listening a file that I just mixed together as a fun idea that seems to just be pretty good. Ten minutes of my relaxation file, ten min. of a subliminal and body of visualize, 13 min. of susceptible binaural by Calimore, and 7 min. of Reinforce. It basically does all of what its meant to do. I have been enjoying it a tad bit. Like usual when listening to a new good file, there is that feeling of wanting to listen repeatedly even on the first day, so when that happens I generally go with the flow and just listen to that file. It really has affected me quite a bit. Everything seems more realistic and like my trances will affect me more. I had this weird dream that was me trying to be a sissy when I was younger and having old memories pop back up that Id totally forgotten about. And the two were kinda mixing and mashing together. Quite strange.

- lew897

Still listening to the file I created, but at the same time Ive begun listening to the individual files with multiple tracks and extended to 40 minutes. Also been listening twice in the morning. My sleep has almost become perfect for me. The subliminal in calimores is sleep reinforce I think which is why its gotten better. Tonight was the first time I didn't dream of being a woman, which kinda bummed me out a bit. Ive been listening to sissy files again, which has amped up my sissy side again.

- lew897

Had an intense hypno session. Very intense, I was made into a woman from one of my favorite movies. I walked through this doorway with these other girls, and there was a room filled with men naked and then there was this round 1 sound and poster like moment. I mostly just crawled past the first few guys and a couple spewed on my back and chest. Huge amounts I add. I then continued onward, having to suck and be railed and cummed over. I then finished made it to round two where the rest of the men completely covered me in cum. I walked through another door and the room was filled with women who were cummed on and the previous women were susposed to eat the cum off the women who came before. So, I completely licked clean this womans cum covered body. Then I just blacked out and woke up some time later.

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