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bruoy's Recent Entries

Here I Go!

by bruoy

Well here I go. I'm going for a serious effort on a combination of TrainSusceptable. CurseNightDiapers and CurseBedwetting. These files will be started off with the Deepening file, from which I removed the ending countdown and set as a separate file to cap it all off. I'm hoping to maintain consistency in listening each day, to get this soaking in my head thoroughly. Any recommendations/help are appreciated.


- seekingnewreality

Are you sure that "soaking in your head" is the best idea, considering the files you're listening to? kidding, of course. :)

- bruoy

Well, so far soaking my head is all that's been going on. Hopefully these files will kick in sooner than later and I'll be soaking something else...

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