
Adventures with transformation hypnosis -2

by ThatoneGurll

Uhm so the last few days.. even though I did not listen to the file ALOT.. I did a few more times. ...now I started telling people I'm a cat girl. in chats. Because I wrote I'm a catgirl, down. (Look up curse enchanted keyboard) anyway.. it seems to be working. But uhm.. I wrote down catgirl transformation things... alot. I do not know if the file is working, because of that or if it just took time to fully sink into my unconcious. Whatever it is working and even my perception has started to change more... yes MORE. Seems to have a sort of subliminal effect instead of actually working on me instantly... maybe I am just not good at being hypnotized. Oh wait... That's right. I had some one in a chat put me into trance a few times to.. to help with the same type of transformation. Hmmm... So yes anyway the file works.. Seems to be. o.o I seem to be telling people I'm a cat girl. .. it will be so embarassing if that slips out in front of people who know nothing about my real self. >.< And now... Just now. like uhm while I am writing this. It started to effect me the most. It is interesting.. But yes uhm.. I had some trance sessions , after listening to bineural beats, with one person in an online chat. there were transformation conditions in there to.. One of which would be that it would get stronger each time I touch myself, which it seems to be but very weakly.. and that it would stay in effect when I sleep, and when I wake up. But it has not hit me this hard before. I am surprised and confused. I am satisfied now... but I keep wondering what actually caused it... what was It I did that worked. was it writing I am a catgirl the end over and over with elaborate descriptions. Or was it listening to "Curse enchanted keyboard" over and over? I don't know!!! Oh well.. the changes ARE happening... and it keeps getting more intense and real.. I'm a little worried I will not be able to tell what my actual body was anymore. It is interesting... oh well... I am satisfied with this so far.. if it gets more real I will be surprised. Lucky me I have kept track of MOST of what I wrote in relation to the enchanted hypnosis file. That way, if I am wondering why something happened I can see I wrote it. I have so far written out a lot of changes for myself. They are slowly happening. When I compulsively said "I am just a average cat girl" to someone in chat, it was only after that I realized I typed that. I even claimed to have cat ears and a tail.. I had to correct myself and tell them my body. I panicked for half a second. to uhm thinking.. it was true that I am a cat girl.. and I almost did not correct my words. >.< I have to be careful now! It is to be noted I also listened to curse-trig catgirl a few times in the past. There may be several over lapping effects. All the better I say! Meow... Happier.


- darkenedav

nawww good kitty!

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