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underMissEleanor's Recent Entries

Becoming Miss Eleanor drone - day 8

by underMissEleanor

Weekends are weird, as I lose the freedom of being at work and having some private time and place, undisturbed. As soon as I woke up I reported Miss Eleanor, and we arranged a meeting for an hour later. I was really excited about it, but at the same time concerned about keeping my privacy at home without anyone noticing... And that was my biggest enemy during my session with Miss Eleanor, the underlying uneasy that prevented me from giving away completely, and that made impossible that deep trance I desired so heartily. I must explain something that happens to me while trancing for Miss Eleanor: when it happens, my body relaxes completely and I find it hard to move, and my mind goes blank, just a tiny fragment of consciousness lingering around that allows me to be aware of my state, instead of being completely lost in it. And I don't feel any arousal at all when in this state. It's only later, when Miss Eleanor takes me back to normality, that I get aroused and start to masturbate, getting then into a light trance state induced by pleasure while being completely awake and aware. And that's what happened this morning... After the failed tracing (my fault only) we kept talking and the conversation took a way that excited me lots, reporting immediately to Miss Eleanor my erection and my masturbation. And she used then one of the implanted subliminal commands, and I found myself again mindless and kept still in an awkward position that made my hand tremble from strain. And then Miss Eleanor launched a new command, and I found myself masturbating but paralyzed until cumming for her. Miss Eleanor doesn't stop teaching me how deep her programming and conditioning is, and how masterfully she is controlling my body. She also has showed me not to rush and wait for the perfect moment to appear and enjoy it. In the evening, after lunch, I had some time for myself and I did some deep self trancing as a reinforcement for everything put in my mind. When I aimed for the deepest level of trance possible, I found myself repeating the different mantras that Miss Eleanor had given to me during the unsuccessful induction of the morning.... I guess it wasn't so unsuccessful at all! Today's lesson: I must have patience, and not rush things. Miss Eleanor is layering my mind with orders and truths that keep changing me, and I have to take all of this slowly. I love Miss Eleanor, my owner and programmer.


- off-kilter


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