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Being MissEleanor's drone part 3

by Hughjass88

All day now I think of obeying MissEleanor. Nothing in my mind except wanting to be programmed by my Mistress. Wanting to please her and obey everything she orders. I can barely contain myself throughout the day while running the human program. Just the mere thought of obeying her makes me so horny. Writhing in pleasure. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Both come in the form of obeying MissEleanor. Just her name makes me horny. Saying it. Thinking it. Just that name pours obedience into my mind. Her file has had an effect on me that no others have before. It has instilled a deep want and burning desire to obey. I hate when I am unable to listen to it. MissEleanor's words bring me comfort and serenity and in that...obeying her brings me comfort and serenity as well. MissEleanor told me last night that she would play more with me soon. The very idea has me filled with extreme excitement at what the future holds as her mindless little drone.


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