Come and Tumbl with me!by zapnosisHello everyone and a happy new year to you!
This year I have a kind of resolution... well, I started early, but anyway. For most of my life, and for various reasons, I have been afraid to express myself through visual art forms... including drawing, photography, even my own appearance. Since I am not skilled with my hands, part of this is natural enough but this last year my interest in lowbrow art was revived and through that I decided to start a Tumblr blog of stuff I like.
To be honest, most of it is just femsub porn / erotica with bits of other fetishes but I have included some artwork that I like and a few slut training gifs of my own manufacture. Though I consider these gifs to be a lower form of mind control, I've enjoyed working in a different format and at the end of the day it's just a bit of fun. So definitely a porn blog, but me-flavoured. If you'd like to have a look or tumbl with me, you can find this treasure trove at