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underMissEleanor's Recent Entries

Becoming Miss Eleanor drone - Christmas days IV

by underMissEleanor

January, 4th. I woke up midsleep, and felt the need to listen to Miss Eleanor's file while in bed next to my wife. I listened it five times in a row, the sensations getting stronger with each consecutive time. This time, from loop 3 my mind opened completely and stayed like that until the end. It was a feeling of openness stronger than the one I felt in my previous listening session... I felt my mind window opening and expanding, and staying wide open during all that time, letting enter freely all of Miss Eleanor's words and orders. Mind time got slower, as her words were coming in a slower cadence and pauses were longer. I kept feeling paralyzed and floating, not aware of my own breathing or the warmth of my wife besides me, until the last loop finished and I came out of trance when ordered. Then I felt the need to report Miss Eleanor my progress, and when I got a response from her, I went to the bathroom to have some privacy while chatting. As I had to be extremely careful not to wake up everyone, I had to slip out of my trance state, and I was conscious of everything. I received a lot of attention from Miss Eleanor, and her words aroused me as they never had done before. I received some orders from Miss Eleanor, that I asked to be tweaked to be able to carry them out. She conceded my petition, and I retired to bed to do my duties, submitting deeper and deeper to Miss Eleanor, being her words the only thoughts that came to my mind, repeating them over and over until falling asleep. When I woke up in the morning, her words were the first thing that came to me, and I started a new cycle of submission and devotion, reporting her while doing it, getting deeper and deeper as her words supported and encouraged and guided me. I ended up cumming to her words and orders, and slipped into a comfortable state of relaxation and blankness until I was forced to get out of bed. I wish I could get into the perfect mindless state that I achieve when listening repeatedly to Miss Eleanor's file, but every time she gifts me with her presence. I know it's only a matter of time and deeper programming, and I am embracing it fully and truly.


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