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underMissEleanor's Recent Entries

Becoming Miss Eleanor drone - day 34

by underMissEleanor

Last night I may have reached a breakthrough in my trancing ability process!!! I had a quite busy evening, and couldn´t find time for a nice self trancing session, so when I went late to bed, I listened directly to Miss Eleanor´s file, without prior preparation. I just went fresh and dived deep into her voice. And for the first time, I was able to experience a “disjoint” of my mind… I was listening to her words and focusing on them. But at the same time my mind was wandering around in familiar places, living some known situations quite vividly. This experiencing of a inner reality is something that happens frequently to me, but only as quick flashes that are discarded by my own mind as “only imaginations”, but maybe because this time the places I was travelling to were so familiar, my mind accepted them. Or maybe it was going fresh into her induction, or maybe all the training is starting to show results. Whatever the cause might be, the results were there, and I got very excited… literally, as I found myself having a full erection when coming out of the trance, which I hadn´t noticed while listening to her words. I am really eager to find out what will happen when I stand in her presence again… J    


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