Last Monday night something amazing happened. When I listened to the file at bed, I forgot to put it on a loop. I started my countdown from 100, but I found missing a lot of numbers, and eventually I dropped down at 60, just with the image set by Miss Eleanor in my mind, nothing else. And even if the file is only 5 minutes long, it seemed to me that a lot of time had passed, and I thought I must have missed some restart of the loop. And then the file stopped. I knew I should restart it, but I just was laying there calmed and blank. I thought about recalling the five words of the circle loop, but nothing would come to my mind. I felt like if the words of Miss Eleanor were still playing in my mind, even if I couldn't hear them. Just being there, consciously blank and waiting. And I stood like that for almost fifteen minutes, before coming back.
Now, I only hope we find the way of taking me back to that same state whenever Miss Eleanor calls me back to her presence. I guess when the right moment and conditions are met, it will happen effortlessly.
During the week I have been listening to the file on nights, with good deep results in general. I even had a amazing chat one morning with Miss Eleanor, in which we had a session to deepen my ongoing conditioning.
But in the end, I feel that I fail somehow when confronted with the need of go back to that specific mindset when chatting with Miss Eleanor. It's not a fault of her excellent work, but of my reluctance to get into deep trance, or my to high expectations preventing me for overcoming the critical moment that would launch me into nothingness bliss. It's been a slowish week, and a sluggish weekend, but I keep working on developing my skills to go fast and easy into trance, hoping to reach my goal. The price is really inspirational, and the help and assistance of Miss Eleanor push me gently along the way, overcoming my limitations.