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Answers to pacifi3r's very nice questions

by mondaytuesday

I'm really touched by the interest from you all. Thank you. Here are some great questions I got from the forum. *Do you ever get hard? It's been a long time since I have. I've become so accustomed to the arousal causing tingling, tightening, and constricting. Arousal also causes and reinforces my regression moments and traits. So, I suppose the answer is that I can't get hard any longer. *Can you ejaculate at all? I haven't, but I haven't tried in a long time, either. I feel as though I could not ejaculate any more. *Did it hurt when your balls retreated inside you? There was definitely a sensation. I generally like the way it feels when my peepee and balls tighten into an electric gathering of nerves. It did hurt when they first started retreating inside. I haven't checked lately to see if they come down sometimes. I have been diapered 24/7 since December. I've been told and so, I believe that a peepee this small belongs in a diaper. It definitely feels better in one. *Did THAT happen suddenly, from one unexpected day to the other or did it take time? like first one testicle then the other? They had both been shrinking alongside my penis for a long time now, they would relax back, but never as full as before. When they popped in, it was suddenly and i didn't expect it. The left one slid down and popped. Then the right one. They were coming down and going back in. But I'm not sure if they have come back down, really. Sorry, it's sometimes hard to keep all this clear in my mind. It's shocking and takes me away from my identity as a fellow man, but it somehow seems natural and intended for me to be altered and therefore be more submissive. I also feel more and more that I want to be able to allow dominates to have the opposite effects from what happens to me, triggered and controlled by them taking me into various regressed modes for a bit. *Do you have problems keeping your baby persona in check when you are out in the street, at work? in regular adult oriented situations? Yes, more and more. *Are you totally bladder and vowel incontinent? Only bladder. I poopie on the big boy toilet. *Do you have people currently aware of the transformation process you are undergoing in case you get "stuck" in baby mode? They are all online and are a distance away, but they are aware. I'm not sure what will happen if I get stuck in baby mode. *Have you ever tried watching the kind of porn that used to arouse you before you begun shriking to see how you interpret those feelings now? Yes, I did do that a little while back. Gay porn on the internet. I was aroused but that just made me regress more. *Can you feel arousal at all? Yes, but it's not like how it was when I was a full man. *As you slowly made the descent to the babyhood status, did it become less innadecuate to you to wear more girlish stuff? I found I didn't have a problem with it because I was becoming more sexless and open to either gender, I suppose. I don't feel in control of it. *Would you consider you are completely asexual now? I don't think so, but I do go for a long time without thinking anything sexual. *If not, do you still feel sexual atraction just to women? I feel as if I would welcome a dominant Mommy or Daddy who would find pleasure or amusement or power demonstration in taking me, as they wish.


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