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by hotstacy4a5

I'm self-hormoning. "natural" My breasts are itchy, puffy, and a bit sore. Part of me really wants this. Part of me says it's my life, I've always wanted this, go for it. Part of me says, but what about all the people who will be surprised, shocked if (when) they discover what I am doing. Part of me says that I must do this. Part of me says that I can't do this. My nipples are definitely larger and sore. My areolas are probably larger, too. Sometimes, it feels SO good to play with my nips. Sometimes, I can only focus on having a man kiss me, play with my nips, and think about him using my holes for sex. Sometimes, I just want to go the store as a woman. I bought a tight-fitting, stretchy tank top today. It protects my nips from rough shirts, even cotton ones bothered me.


- transformed

Congrats on the steps you've taken thus far! It is a very big step but ultimately it is only fair to you to be as you would be the most happy and comfortable in the long run. I was/am in the same boat as you and had to come to the same reckoning and finally told myself that the only one that deep down knows how I feel and how I will feel best is me and I've embraced it since. I'm pretty sure you will too! Good luck. Oh by the way, what kind of hormones are you using?

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