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Zafari's Recent Entries

Custom file, I'm still around

by Zafari

I apologize if there was anyone reading who was devastated that I stopped posting. Things have been a bit busy lately, and since, and we've sort of been a bit inside in general. So I've been hesitant about what I want to put up, when I actually think about posting here.

Anyways, I was actually using a different file, Swordsman's Agility, and I had a clear glimpse of what J's hair actually looked like. Reinspired, I went into the custom file, and had probably the first really vivid view of her facial features and skin tone. Not that I didn't know, but it was definitely different than just knowing what she looks like, and then seeing it and knowing, if that makes any sense.

That's about all I actually have. After I had the first few seconds of seeing her face, she immediately started making faces. So clearly, I'm dealing with someone of the utmost maturity.


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