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HypnoSlaveAlex's Recent Entries

Ordered to post triggers.

by HypnoSlaveAlex

I have been ordered by email to post these here for all to use.

"You will become a complete, total, and utter girly-girl whenever anyone says "girly day" or "girly time" to you. When that happens, you will remain that complete, total, and utter girly-girl until the end of the next day."


"Whenever anyone tells you to "re-orient yourself", you will find yourself noticing other women, noticing how pretty, attractive, and desirable other women are. When that happens, you will continue to notice other women, to notice how pretty, attractive, and desirable other women are, from then until the end of the next day. "


- ParanoidLord

Well, if that's the case, then you're probably going to have a lot of girly time on your hands.

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