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lew897's Recent Entries


by lew897

Dreams have always been an important part of sleeping for me. Sleeping dreams have increased in vivid and life like perception while sleeping. The most peculiar or interesting has been things that were weighing heavily on my mind will be resolved in a dream! This never happened before in my life and not with regularity of dream-solutions. My mind is instantly decided when I wake up. Its like some strange resource. I often reason with my dream when I do wake up, but I usually do agree with what I dreamed and go along with the dream. This is a completely outrageous new experience where Im living my life based on what I dreamed!


- lew897

The best thing so far has been that I can just listen to the file play. I can listen and know that I will have the effects. My experience, while under, seems to become more of what I don't want or know doesn't work. Who knows how many times Ive listened to this file now over the past 8 months. At least once a day and maximum two. My listening habit is now to continue listening for as long as it takes to get what I want from hypnosis. It used to be well, this year I know that Ill be able to go into deep trance. Its been a few years now. So, despite my deep trance ability, I know that I still need improvement.

- lew897

Just had a great idea while in trance. My subconscious needs to be taught to do what I want. If that makes sense to you. The idea is make the connection stronger between my subconscious and what I want stronger. Which has mostly been to go into deeper and stronger relaxation. It was a great trance experience. One that I never tried out before.

- lew897

The file that I listen to makes me feel so good. I don't want to say its the best part of my day, but its pretty close.

- lew897

The best part of studying Bruce Lee is that his ideas seem to actually work. I changed up my regular routine and created some more files. The three are all the same in the words department. The difference is in the techniques. I have included two new files that I listen to. A track that has only one voice and a thunderstorm soundtrack in the background by someone on this site. The other is the same as the main one that Ive listened to but just with a lot less multiple voices.

- lew897

Still listening to my files. Seems like Im better than ever. The only snag is that Im back in school and I have been falling asleep during my sessions. This has been happening a lot lately since I hardly get good sleep these past few weeks.

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