2 L'sby LeeiahIve been listening to the fall more and more, even when I would like to pull back there is something that keeps telling me to continue listening. I think the she in me is very smart, in many ways she knows I have been down this road before, she hardly says anything accept a select few of things, very simple things though like buying clothes or other items. She wants her name to be what I already called myself "Leah". Even though her name is lexie, she said it would be much easier this way. Which seems very difficult to me, because when something pops up in my head or a choice has to be made in doing something how do I know if its me or not thats doing it without any difference of the name.
For instance, "Leah should keep listening to the file". or "Leah needs to buy panties" Wait but I am Leeiah. I guess I should? Its hard to distinguish myself from her if we are both using the same name the only difference is really voice, but I prefer hers over mines. idk it just leaves me confused really personally. I feel a little bit nervous but so far she seems harmless for now I guess. This is the third week so she is 12. Idk I feel confused all in all as usual but I am kind of just going with the flow.