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rubberdog's Recent Entries

Creating A New You

by rubberdog

There's a saying in the gaming world that gamers aren't escaping from life, it's just that they choose to live several. Or something close to that. Fuck my heads all fuzzy an shit right now. I came to the conclusion that I needed to take this a step further and follow in the footsteps of some others here, and create an alter. Another me, who is everything I'm not. A mentor stepped in and is help/guiding me. The process so far seems to working pretty well. I can feel the new alter inside already. He's still formless, but he's fuckin growin in there dude. Tonight I tossed out some potential names to see if he like any of em. We'll see what he chooses.


- JackDrago

Congratulations on joining the alter team. Multiplicity is going to be the adventure of your life!

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