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yoyes152's Recent Entries

Stud Stallion CCP - Day 2

by yoyes152

So this was day two, and I think day 2 went well. I was deep and my dog barked a few times and even though I acknowledged it, it didn't take me any time to get back to the point of where I was. This file hits you hard and hits you deep. While I was deep, I kept experiencing what I thought were "drips" for lack of a better term. It felt as though I was hard and that I was leaking a little. As it turns out neither were true. Still trying to figure that part out. As for my volume and testicle aches. I haven't had a reason to know if my volume has increased yet and for the aches I think I felt some that were significant while I was deep in trance, but afterwards it is not that intense. Tomorrow I will try to update better and pay attention to the rest of the day as well as what was happening while listening to the file. -Yoyes


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