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psychicslavething's Recent Entries

some thoughts

by psychicslavething

Damarus sat on his seat, dressed in a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. Jake, a sub who had fallen quite in love with him already, sat across the country, in his house, trying to get into the stylish 23 year old dom he had started up a conversation with on the net. Damarus had yet to begin subjugating Jake, or even to let him get close, but he knew he loved him. Jake was a sub, and he needed to be treated like a sub, and used as a sub. But Damarus wouldn’t let him. He didn’t know him well, but he knew he would know him better. He was curious about the strange, sandy haired sub, with his obsessive nature and his awkward manner and style. Jake had been in the asylum, being subjugated by nothing but his own thoughts, and when he came home his friends didn’t talk to him so much. But he was happy, because he was living in his own bed and eating his own food. Jake got off on slave bondage, and liked being called a dumbass, a slave thing, a dirty sex toy, and being used the same way. Jake hadn’t had sex much recently, for the five years he had spent locked away in his asylum cell, but he knew he could get back to life. He would let Damarus abuse him however he wanted, and he would do anything… Jake sat alone in his house, with his cat, thinking about Damarus. He was bored, and wanted something to do. But what? Damarus. Damarus wouldn’t mess about with people, without knowing them for a week, and Jake liked that. But maybe they could do other things. Jake wanted to send Damarus shots of him in his boxers, in the nude, shots of his ass, and his body. He wanted Damarus to use and abuse him for months, maybe years. But he knew that Damarus wanted to wait, and get to know him first. Jake was into being used as a slave, an object, a sex-toy to be used and manipulated and punished and tortured and raped. Jake had been alone for a while. If all went well, Jake thought, he would get Damarus’s hot 23 year old cyber-presence, dominating him, and subjugating him. Jake loved hypno-bondage, and would do anything to let Damarus use him as his personal fuck-toy object slave thing. Any fetish was fine, and any relation method was fine. Jake was into guys, very heavily, and into Damarus, very heavily. He would do anything to be Damarus’s sex-slave-cyber-cam-slut thing…


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