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MayTong's Recent Entries

Been a while

by MayTong

Well its been a while and I wanted to share a little. I finished school and now have a Bachelors in Animation and Game design. Now I am starting the arduous task of finding free lance work until I grab onto a company. If you have a commission you want done lets talk :) As for my transition my wife and I have grown closer to each other and find that as I transition we seem to fall even more in love. However I have not come far. Although we have found that we both love me wearing pantyhose XD. We are taking it slow for her and the fact that we struggle financially. I've been trying to make friends with other Sissy's in the area but found none that want to continue the relationships. It also doesn't help that I am an Introvert in the truest sense of the word. I mean come on I married my best friend in the world so that tells you when I find someone I like I make a deep relationship. And that is what I believe turns a lot of people off. Anyways hope you all have a great new year Lexi


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