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Bonnie's Recent Entries


by Bonnie

It was my day for a follow up on my breast surgey. It felt so neat go to the doctor office with my very own and very hug bust. At check in Dr. More nurse just said oh my oh my they did turn out big didn't they. It was such a rush when Dr. More came into my room and said off with the top my dear and reached around me and unhooked me one two three, four and then sled his fingers tips under my bra staps and off with the bra. His hand gently felt as he ask question. It was almost like he was playing with his work of art. I told him I was so greatful for all he has done for me in reaching my woman hood and giving me the body I wanted and have dreamed of for years. He picked me up off the table give me a hug and a little peck (kiss) on the forehead and said "I think we need a afer shot of those huge jeweles don't you think". He shot quite a few and will let me see them before he post his work. Im so happy and Im getting more use to them and Im learning how to get things done with out them getting in the way. Hug to all of you and all you small breasted ones out there go for you will just love them.


- Ohka

Glad to see you are recovering well, and I bet you look great too. Look forward to read more about your journey.

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