Good Morning Internet,
how are you?
this is flib_rpesh making the decision to blog for the next ninety minutes. Flames will be ignored. Are we off to a good start? Since hearing the decision in real estate investing to put all your eggs into one basket, i’m Intending not to diversify.
Real estate investing probably takes a top down approach from the wealthiest top tier activity. Currently, 8FDL spreads the word going around how it’s the number one program out there right now. Reading through all the terms and conditions, the privacy statement and, other such riarialia.
we intend to accelerate our wealth training beginning with top tier FOREX and then, coming along into real estate investing. Our approach would be to direct these words at L.J. who can speak over the phone with me for ninety minutes.
perhaps, i’ll Type him this ninety minute letter. Last night we looked at survival wit, ethically we examined the immorality of rapists and child molesters. This morning we also have our ethics. This morning’s ethics are geared more towards 8FDL.
Two videos on YouTube need to be watched and these are the 8FDL and the Leo Palmer videos. By watching these videos, I can understand how top tier programs utilize the other end of the ethical spectrum. Making a request for no pornography, no cross-recruiting, these two being the main ones I have to tackle with.
The point is that the technology is contained within the ethics. The good question to ask is, ‘what I say the nature of my crime?’ At present, dressing in feminine clothes goes against the Quran.
Ethically then, I can switch the clothes i’m Wearing to more masculine ones, or, I declare myself a woman and then, it becomes unethical for me to wear masculine clothes. Either way, i’m Not necessarily going up before a tribunal.
The point is in what type of case do the lawyers have on their hands. What I shall a law suit? A basket case? A charity case? A law suit suing somebody? A law suit with regards to gender and family?
wrapping my mind around the legalities fathoming a court of law, this does not necessarily mean ethics. Ethics has been discussed quite at length of the actions a person will take upon themselves to right wrongs.
my ethical situation would see it right overall the need for sissification. Moving forwards with this goals and objectives align with family and career. It feels crucial to me to have some form of therapy which I can lean on. This is where the need for technology comes into place.
Making use of X-Calibur, the story writes about survival. From the point of view, an individual survives, a family survives, a group survives, the global populace survives, a civilization survives. What’s being survived from in this story happens to Ben the lynch mob. What is lynchpin?
Surviving against the lynch mob who want to punish without recourse to legal authority. Well, in the instance of the crime committed, we shall express our faintest disinterest in a crime committed by the word sisters spinning the tapestry of fate whilst seated under the age old ash tree, Yggdrasil.
These word sisters might create a comanome every now and then, which is a moment of pain and unconsciousness. During these coma ones, they remind me of knots in a tree, or, pearls from an oyster. These comanomes are what brings two people together for mating purposes.
within my needed goal for sissification, the comanome being created for me during the twelve months I shall be in training expands to include not only self, but also, family, group, global populace, civilization as has been outlined earlier. The next part besides a need for technology to take legal action either on part of the lynch mob, or, on part of the victim. Happens to be management.
Management as it is seen here in this story, X-Calibur examines the point of view as to the almost functioning of an organization. Within Management comes the duties and responsibilities to fulfill this goal and objective of sissifying myself. Either against the lynch mob who represent the civilization, the global populace, the group, the family, or, the self.
a civilized lynch mob attempting to destroy this Sissy against her wishes suppresses against this sissy’s survival. None survive alone. The proper ethical action which ought to be taken vindicates all charges from the sissy’s case.
In any situation, scene, event, Sissy has some explaining to do before a judge. What type of actions are appropriate to this Sissy, might be taken into consideration by a psychotherapist who while before holding the position of management, of holds the position of responsibility over the group a two large.
Psychological Coherence delves into sophrology which explores the use of study and exercise to provide a catharsis. Many big words here, and, I expect anyone reading to look them all up. Any word should get defined.
This management situation clears the planet when a comanome becomes erased and, the contagion of aberration I shall no more. Clear comes from the computer term, meaning to clear the screen and allow for a fresh start. While aberration is derived from the field of optics, and is meant to wander, or, to deviate slightly.
RuneScape, the computer game might take a personal example of how a new character, whom has simply created an account. Can then be considered Cleared. As is the case in X-Calibur, a new account whom simply logs in and logs out, deviates slightly. After all, RuneScape was called Devious before it’s name changed.
so, we have an account created. Let’s manage the account between the lynch mob suppressor and the account holder’s survival. The lynch mob uses terrific technology to carry out their aims and objectives.
Once the object of the lynch mob has been cleared, this does not remove the offender. Erasure of the offender would be like casting the victim out into space without any protection. The person would come apart in a smear of pink mist.
Trying to survive against the lynch mob would require ethics to protect oneself. Going back again to the ideas and methodology of self-protection and of self-preservation. The way of looking at a home owner for example has to do with protection of the house. For the person, a house might resemble the keep to a castle.
as for preservation, well, a father is expected to carry forward his progeny to preserve supposed family tradition. This sissy wants protection from such civil law suit as the world organization transgender rights. In a similar fashion to Codex Alimentarius. As for preservation, that’s what the internet isn’t for.
preserving this sissy’s musings, journal entries, blogging, uploading video’s of herself and so forth. What will it be like for sissy to come out to the world online in the form of a woman or in the form of. a sISsy?
Doesn’t the thought make my head spin? Well, that’s good because a Sissy ought to know her place amongst the world of real estate. What Sissy does for a living at the highest level has to do with becoming a professional trader.
what trading has to do with the Sissy academy is anyone’s guess. Sissy might be curious and need to ask questions from big hunky me. As to how to stay safe and secure. This Sissy does not worry too much her little cotton candy which has just gone bye bye about matters such as self-preservation or self-protection.
Any help this Sissy achieves very much the desire to take objective and wind down into non-existence. Through terrible failings and pitfalls, sissy’s objective is to blossom into a feminine woman.
With my survival wit training, there are two forces which have been created here as survive or succumb. We’re surviving towards pleasure of which, the greatest pleasure is the study of the best that has been thought.
we succumb to the supreme good. Summit Bonum in Latin. Succumbing away from the Supreme Good leads to an absolute bad. In reduction ad absurdem the worse off one can be is a state worse than death.
What is worse than death? And how can a Sissy such as myself achieve the state of training to bring one from the brinks of disaster to recovery of objectives? Where will training Ben received to handle such conditions as those described by lawyers or by terrorists? Who are those people who need an ethical background check? And will people ever change?
Managing these two forces of survive and succumb, I learned there are also two states we want to avoid and to reach. It’s like how an electron is steered through a television set to arrive at its proper place upon the screen. By projecting onto the screen, these electrons can show the thought of creation.
Reading our intention then from the thought of creation, the decision has been made to drive down into th
eis state, Condition, or, awareness characteristic of absolute bad. Hereby understanding the necessary efforts and endeavors to return again to one’s objective. This pathway lands us from Our current condition, or, in this state called our World. We might be playing RuneScape for all we know, living our life.
until we can see the screen upon which we are projecting the thought of creation, this can only be read as an objective. Moving any further with the objective would take another increment which turns our television screen into a holographic communication channel with a friend.
in the similar way, the hologram contains a portion of the image in each of its constituent parts, the brain might be said to record memory as a hologram. Understanding how the necessary technology to communicate hologram frequencies already exists would allow one to install this holographic projector in the car attached to a smart phone.
that way, when a person rings the phone, their image will appear on the holographic display if they made a video call. It would be great to pre record video content which takes half an hour to produce for someone’s to stream to their holographic display while on their commute to work.
And what if someone’s job were in building property and maintenance or, in landscaping? Or in gardening? That’s too much to diversify and, instead of narrowing in like a laser will disperse the holographic image. Focusing on the clear beam of a laser light, all the photons are in phase with each other.
This is what can make a laser so destructive, cutting through metal with ease. It has been demonstrated with water how a powerful enough jet stream of water can cut through even an iPhone! Unless the laser were off, with no account active, we wouldn’t have any pieces to put together, and then, where would we be?
Without a username and password, our account inactive, this moment of not being a member at all. The type of person called Ah Q in Chinese folklore. Perhaps through this WarpMyMind website, the Ah Q person can be brought out with more familiarity. This would make for a great starting point towards lawyer work. Where the saying goes, consider yourself a simpleton.
But, my work wants to go in this current direction...from cleaning, i’m Moving into a sissy career. Can I not make cleaning my life? Will I be cleaning restaurants or grocery stores? Cleaning hotels or bed supplies? What does my Mistress think of my current cleaning job?
Would I hand over all of my possessions to Mistress in exchange for her possessions? My equity amounts to negative 18,000. How would this feel in the hands of my Mistress, and what would her equity feel in mine? Most importantly, do the account so balance?
And, upon my return from Sissy work, what type of household will I turn to? Does Sissy live and work from the same location? Or will Sissy have three locations to travel to throughout the week? It’s enough to drive one into a boggle!
wow! The two thousand mark line has been reached. Twice as fast typing as it is writing. Speaking goes faster than this. I wonder, suppose I were to dictate to my computer the many words would I speak in ninety minutes? That would make for an interesting observation.
Returning to my story of X-Calibur, not too sure how the ending goes. Making my closing statement, the author of a book illustrates what the future may entail or, closes with a wrap. In this instance, the end will only start a new beginning.
My final thoughts on this subject of self-help are spread through the line. From psychotherapy to magick, anything higher than nanometer, cosmology, alchemy. Depicts pharmaceutical, cosmology, Psychological Coherence making three parts to my wisdom.
it’s like the clear light of infinite bliss shines forth in the form of a laser and creates an image upon a screen shared by other lasers. Together, these lasers produce a series of holographic images. Each image might be a representation for a building block on the Sissy world.
if you have seen these plastic blocks with an image sketched inside of them by a laser, a three dimensional image, you’ll get an idea of what i’m Talking about. But, this image isn’t not the hologram. That occurs when the image is shone through a gizmo gadget.
In this way, a stream of images might display the wonder of a scene through a forest for instance with a character, Ah Q making their way along a path with a dog in tow.