
Category: Slavery
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zapnosis' Recent Entries


by zapnosis

So my training with my new Female supremacy file has been going well, REALLY well. Every day the Women around me seem to get more beautiful, more graceful, more perfect. I know what brainwashing feels like and this is it. Last time I was this deep was with SCUM and in the 9 years since I've tried many different files and techniques. This one just works.

Here's a story to make you smile. Chastity has long been a fascination of mine - for a greedy boy like me there is no better tool for enslavement. I have owned a chastity device for years but I've always found it uncomfortable, unreliable and inconvenient, so it was never more than a toy to be used for an hour, if that, and very occasionally. Instead I've put a lot of time into trying to stay chaste through mind control, with varied rather than spectacular results. So when I created my subliminal file I naturally included a chastity instruction, a deliberately vague one since you don't want to get too specific with subliminals. The idea was that as the subliminals started to affect me I'd orgasm less and less, possibly without even noticing. Well, things did go that way for a while. Then I got my chastity device out to play with but this time I kept using it. I started researching different lubes to make it more comfortable (petroleum jelly is the best I've found) and I even bought a couple more chastity devices to see if I could find one that would work better for me. I never thought I'd be here, but I now have a full-metal device that I've been wearing everywhere except work. I even sleep in it. I feel more comfortable in it than out of it. It's freaky because this isn't what I had in mind at all and yet here I am, locked in steel and getting tempted to throw the keys away!

But here it gets difficult. When I was brainwashed with SCUM, I became very passive and docile. I can only imagine what the people around me thought I was going through. It felt wonderful at the time and I thought I'd stay there forever. It went wrong because things got bad at work (result of the global credit crisis) and suddenly my co-workers and I had to fight for our jobs. I couldn't do that while being so subservient and, most unfortunately, sexual mental slavery doesn't pay a salary. Eventually I got my head clear and dealt with the work situation but I hated it and I haven't been able to listen to SCUM since. Now I'm getting a taste of that tranquil mentality again but this time far more gentle, more subtle, more responsible. Well, guess what? Yep, I'm having to fight for my job again! What the hell is this? I'm not ambitious, I'm not well paid and I work my arse off, so why do I have to go through some bullshit macho justification procedure?? 

I am not a spiritual person and I'm only superstitious in the most light-hearted matters, but I can't help wondering if someone Out There is trying to tell me something...


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